Kpong District YSA Devotional

Participating in Family History work was the theme of a devotional that was held for the young single adults in the Kpong District.  YSA Abotsi Lewor conducted the meeting.  President Nutsugah, 1st Counselor in the District Presidency presided.  There were 32 young single adults in attendance.

The doctrine of “why” we do Family History was discussed and the need to link our families together.  This is done by receiving the essential ordinances of the gospel, keeping the necessary covenants, and qualifying for Eternal Life.  Each of us have the opportunity and responsibility as members of the church to help provide this blessing for our families that haven’t had this opportunity.  The principles of “how” to do Family History were also discussed which included: 1) Writing our life story; 2) Interviews with our grand-parents; 3) Family Search for family names to take to the temple; 4) Indexing; and 5) Attending the temple to take family names for ordinances. 

There are two new apps available for smart phones that will make it much easier for members to participate without needing a computer.  Family Search Tree App and Family Search Memory App are now available and were also mentioned in the devotional as new tools for Family History.  Also a new website: is also available for smart phones in April which is a more data friendly version of Family Search. 

Several stories were shared along with gratitude for those family members who came before us and the sacrifices they made so we can enjoy the blessings of the gospel in our lives today.  Elder and Sister Pierce, Africa West Area YSA Senior Missionaries presented this devotional. 
