Announcement: New Responsibilities of Elders Quorum and Relief Society Presidencies

The bishop holds the keys for the work of salvation in his ward. With his counselors, he oversees member missionary work and temple and family history work (see Handbook 2: Administering the Church [2010], 5.1.1, 5.4.1). The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have approved new policies regarding responsibilities of those serving in elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies

These adjustments should be implemented no later than January 1, 2019, and include the following:

1.Under the direction of the bishop, the elders quorum president may be assigned to oversee member missionary work and temple and family history work in the ward. Generally, the elders quorum president would delegate these assignments to his counselors.

2. When assigned these responsibilities, the elders quorum counselor responsible for member missionary work will act in the role of ward mission leader or will supervise a ward mission leader who is a Melchizedek Priesthood holder. Similarly, the other elders quorum counselor will act as the ward temple and family history leader or will supervise a Melchizedek Priesthood holder who is called to that responsibility. Whether a bishop calls a ward mission leader and a ward temple and family history leader or the counselors in the elders quorum presidency fill those roles is up to the inspired direction of each bishop.

3. To facilitate priesthood-directed member missionary work and temple and family history work, the Relief Society presidency may follow the pattern of the elders quorum, with one counselor assigned to help with member missionary work and the other counselor assigned to help with temple and family history work.

4. The bishop coordinates all aspects of the work of salvation in the ward council. The ward council includes the bishopric, ward clerk, executive secretary, and presidents of the elders quorum, Relief Society, Sunday School, Young Women, Young Men, and Primary. Counselors in the elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies, the ward mission leader (if called), and the ward temple and family history leader (if called) may be invited to particular ward council meetings as circumstances dictate. The ward council normally meets weekly but may meet less frequently. A ward council meeting typically does not last longer than one hour.